Inspired by the final scene in the movie The Witch...
This scent is all about living deliciously (and apparently naked around a fire!) and my take on classic "fall harvest" fragrances...
Not too sweet, not too spicy, not too apple-y or pumpkin-y.
But, real-deal, heavy-as-heck iron cauldron filled with magic, aromatic herbs, slices of juicy apple, a pinch of dirt all enveloped by the crisp night air set ablaze by the dull roar of a camp fire.
Fall fruits
Dry grass
Camp fire
Fresh, cold air
This scent is all about living deliciously (and apparently naked around a fire!) and my take on classic "fall harvest" fragrances...
Not too sweet, not too spicy, not too apple-y or pumpkin-y.
But, real-deal, heavy-as-heck iron cauldron filled with magic, aromatic herbs, slices of juicy apple, a pinch of dirt all enveloped by the crisp night air set ablaze by the dull roar of a camp fire.
Fall fruits
Dry grass
Camp fire
Fresh, cold air